The Pioneer Gehl Home
May 2023 thru September 2023

In Jennings Park located at 7027 51st Ave NE, will be found the Gehl Pioneer Home. This house, built in 1884 by the Gehl family, was originally located at the top of Getchell Hill, east of Marysville.
Walter Taubeneck, who discovered the Gehl Home, realized it’s historical value, negotiated for the purchase, and led in it’s restoration of the house, was honored by the Snohomish County League of Historical Organizations, by receiving the first annual Helmer Malstrom Award. This award, a handsome framed plaque, which was first given in 1984, is made possible by Mrs. Clara Malstrom, widow of Helmer Malstrom. The award is given to a person for outstanding contributions to the historical culture of Snohomish County.
It is of hand hewn cedar, cut from trees felled on the homestead, and caulked originally with deer moss.
It was purchased in 1982 by The Marysville Historical Society, dismantled, each board numbered, and then was re-assembled by members of the Society on the ground provided by the city of Marysville.
Some 300 hours of volunteer labor were spent in getting the house back to it’s original condition.
When it was dedicated on June 9th 1984, four generations of the Gehl family (two of whom were born in the house) were guests of honor, along with the Mayor, Mayfest Queen, and other dignitaries.
The home was furnished with pioneer articles loaned by society members. This included a brass bed, commode, lamps, tables, a sewing machine, bedding, pictures and old-fashioned pieces of handwork featuring embroidery and handmade lace.
Many visitors have signed the guest book during the two-day open house. The Gehl Home is open from Memorial Day to Labor Day 1 pm-4pm Saturday & Sunday.